Dietary Goals

The U.S. Senate Select Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs

Six specific dietary goals have been established for the United States:

  1. Increase consumption of complex carbohydrates (fruits and vegetables).
  2. Decrease consumption of simple carbohydrates (sugars, white bread).
  3. Reduce overall consumption of fats (animal fat from meat, oils, shortening).
  4. Specifically, consumption of saturated fats should account for about 10 percent of your total energy intake; that should be balanced with an equal intake of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats.
  5. Reduce cholesterol consumption to 300 mg per day (1 large egg is approximately 210 mg and a 3 ounce piece of LEAN red meat is about 80 mg….but remember 3 ounces of meat is SMALL).
  6. Drastically reduce salt consumption to about 3 grams per day (This is a very small amount).

So, how do you achieve these goals without your family going crazy?

Here are some tips that you can utilize in your family’s diet to help you and your family meet the U.S. nutritional goals:

  1. Broil or roast meats and fish instead of frying or baking.  (You can poach fish.)
  2. Use a “No Trans Fat” butter substitute such as Smart and Balanced.
  3. Use skim milk instead of whole milk or buttermilk.  Suggestion:  If your children are raised on skim, they will grow up to be adults that prefer it!
  4. Use bran or sesame-seed toppings instead of bread crumbs.  You can always easily make bread crumbs from whole-grain breads.
  5. Season with spices, not salt.  Use oregano or thyme instead.  Cayenne is good for you and spices up a dish.
  6. Use vinegar or lemon juice with spices instead of heavy oil salad dressings.
  7. Serve fresh fruits or yogurt instead of puddings and pies.
  8. Use fresh fruits to make your shakes rather than serving sugared sodas.
  9. Serve whole-wheat breads instead of white refined-flour breads.
  10. Buy tuna packed in water, not oil.
  11. Don’t overcook vegetables.  Vitamins are lost in cooking; the fresher vegetables smell, the more nutritious they are.
  12. Don’t peel potatoes, cucumbers, apples, pears and so on.  The skin is fiber, and the added bulk is good for your digestive tract.
  13. Keep nutritious snacks handy.  Raisins are advertised as “nature’s candy,” and other fruits such as pineapples and strawberries would satiate any sweet tooth.
  14. Let children snack on sunflower seeds and nuts rather than on sweet cookies.
  15. Remove the sugar bowl.  If you must use sugar, buy raw sugar.
  16. Don’t baste meats or other foods with butter; use sesame oil.  Dip barbecue brush in it and baste as usual.
  17. Use yogurt instead of sour cream in recipes.
  18. Before serving chicken, turkey, or duck, remove the skin.
  19. Trim all excess fat from beef.
  20. Buy kosher brands of hot dogs or bologna.  These are made from beef, not pork, and are generally less fatty than other brands; they also don’t contain additives.

These are some general basic tips you can easily do to start off a healthier lifestyle!



Nutrition and Health

The Vital Nutrition Link

We Are What We Eat!!

It’s well known that the foods you eat affect your health.  Who doesn’t know that?  However, it’s another thing to ACT upon it.

Most people know in the back of their minds that they should be “healthier.”  We all know that we want to live a long, healthy and happy life.  So, why don’t we do something about it?

OK, Let’s Do Something About It! 

So, what should we do first?  There are so many nutrition plans, so many diets, so many vitamins and supplements!  There are so many choices, what do we do first?

Start With Your FREE Basic Nutrition Test And Result.

First, find out what nutrients your body needs based on your particular lifestyle.  Take the free nutrition checker test for the basic report.  This report tells us which vitamins, minerals, and other supplements our body needs, and it also tells us which foods contains these items.

Once We Know What Our Body Needs, We Can Get It!

Just knowing what foods we should be eating, makes it easier to be healthier.  When we’re in the grocery store, buy those foods.  When we’re in the bookstore, buy recipe books for those foods.  Being in your mind will lead to being in your body!